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Two Component Epoxy with Ultra Low Thermal Resistance and Superior Electrical Insulation Properties

Featuring special high thermal conductive fillers,  E-linking EP48TC is two part epoxy paste that can be applied in bond lines as thin as 10-15 microns. This material offers exceptionally low thermal resistance of 5-7 x 10-6 K•m2/W, which imparts impressive heat transfer capabilities and thermal conductivity of 20-25 BTU•in/ft2•hr•°F [2.88-3.60 W/(m·K)]. It can be used in applications in the aerospace, electronic, optical, specialty OEM and many other high-tech industries.

EP48TC has a tensile lap shear strength ranging from 900-1,100 psi and bonds well to a wide variety of substrates, including metals, composites, glass, ceramics and many plastics. Even in thin sections, its strength retention is outstanding. It also has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, low shrinkage upon curing and excellent dimensional stability.

EP48TC has a forgiving 100 to 40 mix ratio by weight, or 100 to 50 mix ratio by volume. The working life for a 100 gram batch at 75°F is 90-120 minutes. The epoxy cures at room temperature or more quickly at elevated temperatures. It is serviceable over the temperature range of -100°F to +300°F. The color of Parts A and B is gray. EP48TC is available in standard packaging ranging from ½ pint to 5 gallon container kits.


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